
The Imperials

The Imperial Empire 2b2t branch Emblem

The Imperials are a multi-server group which plays 2b2t and 2b2t clones. The Imperials is based on the Roman Republic and Imperials from Skyrim.

The """Mythology"""[edit | edit source]

The Imperials started in 2014 by Legatus as an Empire, the group slowly started to expand and eventually was taken over by Lego in 2016. In this time period the Emperor had full authority over the Imperials and could basically do whatever they want.

The Empire[edit | edit source]

Titus was the first recorded Emperor in history of the Imperials, he was made Emperor in 2017 after Lego unexpectedly left . He created Imperial laws and gave imperial citizens more administrative jobs to help the Empire. After Titus also unexpectedly left due to IRL issues, mrck10 took over imperials in 2018, he made the Imperials into a temporary democracy in 2019 which let DavidPyrian become the next Emperor of the Imperials. David was one of the first 2b2t players to become Emperor since 2016 (lego), this was a large change for Imperials and allowed imperials to have more influence on 2b2t. David focused on creating good relationships with other groups in this time period. After he was Emperor, came Gamerman, Gamerman made the Imperials on 2b2t reach 100 members and the entire group as a hole 400 members, which was the largest ever seen in Imperials. However Gamerman disbaneded the Empire and adopted an entirely new system that would abolish the Empire, and emperors entirely.

The Imperial Bible: https://imperialempire.fandom.com/wiki/Imperial_Bible

Early Imperial History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRRXBGxy73A

The Republic[edit | edit source]

The Republic was formed by Gamerman as a new system to replace the simple Emperor system, this was so there could never be 1 person ruling the Imperials at any given time.

Senate Ranks[edit | edit source]

Consul - There will always be 3 consuls.

There are 3 consuls separated into categories.

  1. Civilian Consul,
  2. Military Consul
  3. IIP Consul

All 3 have different jobs and govern different things, if they can they still need to get approval from the senate, but if necessary they can skip the senate in situations that are urgent. The serve a maximum of 3 months and can’t be a consul for another 3 months. Consuls be thrown out by the senate.

Senate - There must be a minimum of 15 senators, there is no limit to senators. The senate's job is to govern the Imperials. Senators vote on Proposals, any senator can make a propersoal.

The senate has final say over consuls however, this is to prevent tyranny.

Imperial Elite - These people can’t be elected by the senate, they are people who have served the Imperials very well. Imperial Elites are chosen based on a vote conducted by all imperial elite members. These people are to be respected at all times. Imperial Elites can veto ANY proposals in the senate.

The Republic[edit | edit source]

The Imperial Republic was created by Gamerman as a full republic to represent each imperial citizen.

Gamerman created a constitution which explained how the republic was to work, but he stated that the republic could be changed if necessary in the future.

Since this time, there has been no Emperors.

The Current Constitution[edit | edit source]

Senate Ranks:[edit | edit source]

Consul - There will always be 3 consuls.

There are 3 consuls separated into categories.

  1. Civilian Consul,
  2. Military Consul
  3. IIP Consul

All 3 have different jobs and govern different things, if they can they still need to get approval from the senate, but if necessary they can skip the senate in situations that are urgent. The serve a maximum of 3 months and can’t be a consul for another 3 months. Consuls be thrown out by the senate.

Senate - There must be a minimum of 15 senators, there is no limit to senators. The senate's job is to govern the Imperials. Senators vote on Proposals, any senator can make a propersoal.

The senate has final say over consuls however, this is to prevent tyranny.

Imperial Elite - These people can’t be elected by the senate, they are people who have served the Imperials very well. Imperial Elites are chosen based on a vote conducted by all imperial elite members. These people are to be respected at all times. Imperial Elites can veto ANY proposals in the senate.

Senate[edit | edit source]

Proposals[edit | edit source]

Proposals in the Imperial Senate is quite simple:

1. Someone pushes a Proposal in #senate-chat, giving clear information on what it means and what it will do. This is a vote and must include an @everyone mention or it will not count.

2. Senators can vote by reacting to the question with a Up or Down emoji (any up or down emojis are fine). This lasts a certain amount of time, the minimum amount of time for a military related vote is 1 hour. The minimum amount of time for any other vote is 12 hours.

3. If the proposal is passed it will be recorded in the channel #progress. Then it will be acted upon by senators who have the power to do so.

Veto[edit | edit source]

If 2 diplomats or 1 Imperial Elite calls a veto, the vote is canceled.

Debates[edit | edit source]

Debates may be held in the #senate-chat. They are perfectly fine and allowed in the senate.

Government Ranks[edit | edit source]

Consuls and the senate can override these ranks if necessary, they can also change them.

Preator[edit | edit source]

Preators are like Emperors, just they have full authority over 1 or more branches.

Centurion[edit | edit source]

Centurions govern a branch, they have full authority over their branch.

Generals[edit | edit source]

Generals are directly appointed by the senate or consul.

Putting proposals into action[edit | edit source]

Proposals are put into action by whoever it effects, for example: if there is a law that prohibits insiding, it would be passed onto the civilian consul to deal with it, he would pass it down to the preators and they would pass it down to the centurions which would enforce it from there.

The law should be clearly documented here.

It’s recommended that there is a log of all proposals.

IIP programme 2b2t[edit | edit source]

The IIP on 2b2t started in early 2020 and has been building over world 2b2t highways and building spawn infrastructure.

Reddit post about IIP

Centurion History[edit | edit source]

Centurions are leaders of the 2b2t branch of Imperials, here is a history of them:

  1. DavidPyrian
  2. Brickzeebra
  3. Unknown
  4. Unknown
  5. Mage

Relations[edit | edit source]

Imperial 2b2t French Division (15 members) =》 one of the 9 part of the Team baguette before the end of the French Invasion

Horizon (allies)

The Emperium (enemies)

The I.E.R flag

The Backstreet Boys (enemies)

Infinity Incursion (enemies)

The Gulag (enemies)

SGA (enemies)

Empire Ranks (old)[edit | edit source]


Emperor : The emperor keeps check of all global things. Typically laws and politics with other groups, and reforms.

High General : There are 2 high generals, these people help the Emperor manage the Empire.

Consul: High ranking members who help make group decisions


Centurion : The governor of the server, all bases and affairs on the server are managed by him.

Optio : 2nd in command under the centurion, if the centurion isn't there the leadership falls under the Optio. The Optio is the alpha of the Legats.

Legate : Legates are the 2nd most high ranking members, they manage bases.

Tribune : 4th rank of base loyalty.

Preafect : 3rd rank of base loyalty.

Quaestor : 2nd rank of base loyalty.

Auxiliary : 1st rank of base loyalty.

Recruit : Newfags on a test run.


General : Commander of 1 legion

Captain: Helps the commander out.

Solider : Legionare in the legion

Recruit: new recruits who are on a test

Slaves : Non imperials who build for the legion

Bases :[edit | edit source]

Imperials name their bases outposts, camps, forts, and towns.

List of all Imperial bases :

  • Imperial City (active not griefed)
  • LEGION VENATUS HEADQUARTERS (not greifed and active)
  • 2b2t 2020 main base (active not griefed)
  • Windhelm (griefed)
  • Marthkarth (griefed)
  • Karthwasten (griefed)
  • Recruit Outpost I(griefed)
  • Recruit Outpost III (Now named Trust Outpost)(grief)
  • travellers Outpost
  • Outpost MR (griefed)
  • Fort Redtail
  • Outpost Arcadia
  • Recruit Fortress
  • Port Majula(griefed)
Recruit Outpost I grief
Karthwasten recruit base
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