
The Museum

The Museum was a server open to the public, basically a public version of The Vault server. It was created to show case not only the most iconic builds of 2b2t but also some of the smallest and newest builds. The goal of the museum was to collect and preserve as much of 2b2t's history as possible for future players to visit and hopefully gain inspiration to build and not destroy the rich history of 2b2t.

History[edit | edit source]

The Museum was created by tomah54660/jddinger, also known as The_Director2b2t on Reddit, who had the idea to create such a server over since 2016 and spent close to a year gathering world downloads. It was created to show case not only the most iconic builds of 2b2t but also some of the smallest and newest builds. It went public on June 14th, 2017.

Controversy[edit | edit source]

Many oldfriends and midfriends have opposed The Museum due to rumors of the server being an IP grabber. These accusations are based on the fact the /seen [username] command works on the server. A now infamous player named Beardler (see. BoeMeccan Witch Trials), who was OP on the museum, used it to get jared2013's IP address and leak it on the subreddit. In fact, many other museum staff and op's had jared's IP address and chose not to share it. Now there is only one OP and getting IP's is impossible for anyone else.

After the events of Summermelon where Fit griefed a base that Offtopia was heavily involved with, Fit's Skybase was removed from the Museum, however it was re-added since at /warp RocketTown.

After the grief of Block Game Mecca and CainesLaw's Boedecken, Beardler, one of the main admins on the museum, was suspected of leaking the base's coordinates. This put a negative light on the museum till things were solved. In the end, it did become apparent that Beardler was responsible and the museum has reopened with him deopped and better management restored.

Featured Builds[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Museum had many people working in the background to make it possible, from Offtopia who was in constant search of new bases to repair and add to THEJudgeHolden who created a new hub and HermeticLock who created the website.
  • The Museum had over 130 world downloads to showcase currently with more added daily. It could be found at 2b2tmuseum.com .
  • The members of the Museum "guild" ranged from Old Friends, Middle Friends and New Friends.
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